A Family Temple Day

We are looking to engage family in the work of family history through organizing a Family Temple Day in December 2016.

The purpose of this day would be to advance the completion of family ordinance work. Wherever you are and whatever temple closest to you that you can attend would be all you would need if we coordinate the family names needing work.

For example, I presently have about 148 family ordinances in my possession that need to be completed. All ordinance work must be done in order. In November, we are going to complete the baptisms, confirmations and initiatory work for those names. This is being done by just a few of us.

Where the work gets bogged down will be with the endowments. 30+ names will take my wife and I months and months to complete endowments. But a concentrated, coast-to-coast family temple day in December could mean we can complete the work for these family members by the end of the year.

We are proposing a day such as this for Saturday, December 3rd, 2016. Please contact me if you can participate and take a family name or two to the temple on that day. Additionally, if you have a stockpile of names that need work done, please share so that we can spread out the work.

Jeff Westover
Jeff Westover

Husband, father, Latter-day Saint, 11th generation American, and web geek currently residing in Smithfield, Utah. Please visit my website at JeffWestover.com

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