Electa Beal Westover

Mother Electa

Having just added Electa Beal Westover’s profile to the site we felt this was a good time as well to debut a video that can be shared about her.

Electa is a key individual in the story of several generations of 20th century Westovers.

Her sweeping tale is caught up in the migration of Latter-day Saints in the push west but more importantly her example of faith is compelling and inspiring. She may have come along a little too soon for photography but we still hold out hope of one day finding a image of her. If you know of any or of additional histories of Electa that have been written please share them with us.

Jeff Westover
Jeff Westover

Husband, father, Latter-day Saint, 11th generation American, and web geek currently residing in Smithfield, Utah.

(Visited 211 times, 1 visits today)
2 replies
  1. jfcarroll
    jfcarroll says:

    Hello, cousin!

    Thank you so much for pouring your heart and technical talents into this website.

    I am a descendant of Edwin Lycurgus Westover and wanted to let you know I wrote a conversion story of Electa Beal Westover. I would appreciate your review of it. If you find any errors, please alert me. If you see a way I can improve the sentence fluency or effect of the story, please let me know:


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  1. […] Mother Electa posted January 20, 2015 by Jeff Westover at WestoverFamilyHistory.org […]

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