Westovers in America

Below is the first of what we hope will be several videos that we produce. We want to reach the younger and more socially connected members of our family and we think perhaps the production of brief videos like this might help to accomplish that. We have set up a YouTube channel to that end.

This video showcases what few details we know about what brought Jonas Westover to North America back around 1637-ish. We cannot actually call Jonas the fist Westover in America because some records indicate that his older sister Jane came a year or two before he did. She was just 16. She married almost right away after arriving at Massachusetts Colony and Jonas was close to her or with her as she took up residence in what would become Simsbury, Connecticut.

This video is an experiment. Please share it as much as you can. Please provide feedback. We feel challenged in telling these stories in this format and we want to do it right. It is difficult to get it right with how it is written, how long it runs and where we get the images to tell the story. We appreciate any detail you can give us and suggestions for improvement.