Q: The Westover name is pretty common. Does this site cover all Westovers?
A: We are interested in all sides of our family and welcome content and participation from family members no matter how distant. Please see our “About” page for more information.

Q: This is family history. Why isn’t it all publicly available? Don’t we want to share it with everyone?
A: Not everything. Some stories and resources are sacred. They are of such importance that we don’t want to archive them via FamilySearch.org and other archival family history venues out there. Anyone is welcome to register here. But please don’t copy or use our content on other websites or other publications without permission.

Q: I’ve read something here that is wrong or that I find disagreeable. How do I fix it?
A: Please contact us. We make no guarantees but we try our best to share accurate and well-researched information. But we can get it wrong. Just recognize there is a difference between hard genealogical data and storytelling. One perspective will be different from another when it comes to storytelling. So we won’t change the words of a written history just because someone who did not write the history disagrees with it (especially if the original author has passed on). But we will gladly add to our collection with your own perspective on some chapter of our family history.

Q: I see names here I don’t see in my own personal files of family history. Why?
A: My name is Jeff Westover and I have constructed this site for my children and grandchildren. It includes not only information of my Westover heritage but also that of my mother’s family, the Begichs, and that of my wife’s family on all sides. There is no way I could do this and make it Westover-exclusive. We are hoping folks who share heritage with us from other sides of our families will share with us what they can, too.

Q: I have information that isn’t presented here but is relevant to Westover Family History. Can I add my stuff here too?
A: Please do! We would love to hear from you and add your information to this collection. What is here is not my work alone — it is the work of generations. We are always looking to expand our knowledge.

Q: I want to have my own family history website. Can you help me?
A: Yes, I’ll be glad to. Please reach out to me via my personal website. There is a learning curve to it and it’s not free but I’ll do it as inexpensively as possible. I do NOT recommend using a “free” site such as Weebly or Wix or similar generators online. I have seen too many people lose all their information by utilizing such services. By owning your own domain and paying for your own hosting you have maximum control over your data forever.

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