Entries by Jeff Westover

Blogging RootsTech

Last Sunday they made an announcement about how local ward members could attend RootsTech either in person or via live streaming that would be broadcast right to our church building. Later in that same meeting the question was asked how many were making plans to attend. Mine was the only hand that went up. That […]

Working with Old Family Photos

One of the most exciting parts of family history is working with old family photos. To have images from well over 100 years ago is a real blessing, especially as we learn more about the lives of those in the pictures. Once upon a time I had a career in what was known as photofinishing […]

Family History Goals for 2016

A few weeks back I asked the question — What do we want to accomplish in 2016 with Westover Family History? What began as an effort about a year ago to just share our family history in a different way has morphed into an improved effort with our family history. We’re reaching out, finding new […]